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u 1.0:

We seem to have found it. It is not that large at the moment, but it looks to be expanding.

The fissure is wide enough for an elevator to go through, however.

I shall ask Corporate if we are to explore it.

u 1.1:

The elevator has been built. It's a tad slow though. We'll have to make it faster.

It is very study and will be a great asset for exploring the fissure.

Ah yes, we have also given it a name:

"The Chasm"

u 1.2:

The first volunteer has just gone down The Chasm.

His name is William.

This shall be but a test to see how the elevator holds up.

It is NOT an expedition. It is NOT an expedition.

u 1.3:

The Chasm is now too large.

The world has caught wind of it, and there are news reports about it everywhere.

I've been interviewed about thirteen times already. They're too curious.

Corporate is not happy. We don't know enough about The Chasm for it to become known in the public.

Well, what can we do?

u 1.4:

William has not yet come back.

It's been a week already; two days more than expected.

Everyone here is stressing out. They want to leave.

I'm not going to leave.

u 1.5:

The project is to be shut down.

They say it is too dangerous.

Everyone living in the area has been evactuated.

Corporate is still trying to continue it, though.

At least until William comes back, they say.

I am not sure what will happen from here.

u 1.6:

I am getting worried.

I have decided to go down The Chasm.

William was a brother.

They are currently building another elevator, much faster than William's.

I intend to get on it. I shall record information for Corporate.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

u 1.7:

I am currently in the elevator and going down The Chasm.

The elevator is working flawlessly, however a little bit scary.

I do not know how long it will be until I reach the bottom.

They say that worse case scenario would be a couple of hours.

Luckily, I have brought a book with me.

I don't understand English very well, but this book has been very good for learning.

It is called "A Brief History of Time".

u 1.8:

Okay, I have reached the bottom of The Chasm. It is very dark.

The lights have just turned on. I can see a very long hallway.

u 1.9:

I have come to where William's construction has stopped. There are no more lights.

This is where my lantern will come in handy.

The ground has now become a steep descent.

Into where, I cannot say.

u 2.0:

I hear something in the dark.

Maybe I should start going back now.

u 2.1:

It is coming. I hear it moving, skulking through the dark.

It is coming.

u 2.2:

I have come back to the elevator.

Back to safety.

I do not know what it was, but it did not like me.

I am now scared to go back out.

But I need to find William.

Maybe it is not worth it, but I need to find William.

Was that thing what caused his disappearance?

I find it likely.

I should call Corporate to take me back up to the surface.

But will they hear me?

I can only go forward.

They cannot hear me.

u 2.3:

I have found a large flat area down here.

It is very cold.

Perhaps I should have brought a jacket.

There are spires coming out of the ground, and they seem to be breathing.

The spires are warm to the touch.

They are glowing, and have a very hot red colour.

I have not found William here.

I shall continue my venture.

u 2.4:

I have gone too far into The Chasm.

I am lost.

I cannot find my way back to the elevator.

I am lost.

u 2.5:

It is beautiful.

I know not what I am looking at, but it is gargantuan.

It looks to be the very heart of the Earth.

It is fleshy, and vibrates. There seems to be creatures growing inside it.

It calls to me.

Just as it called to William.

It calls.

It calls.